Posts in Germany
Normen Schack, NMI-3

Normen Schack is a certified occupational therapist and naturopath in Hannover, Germany. Normen has been working with neurofeedback and biofeedback and has certifications as a QEEG Expert, Neurofeedback, Peak Performance, and NeuroMeditation Institute Instructor. Currently, Normen is the Director of one of the largest neurofeedback institutes in Germany.

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Marbod Kindermann, NMI-3

While Marbod holds a degree in mechanical engineering, over the past decade he has delved into passions such as nutrition, breathwork, biohacking and stress management. He and his partners offer retreats all over Europe teaching ways to integrate powerful elements of a natural lifestyle, combining NeuroMeditation, Natural Movement, exposure to the cold and different breathwork techniques.

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