Marbod Kindermann, NMI-3


Marbod Kindermann, NMI-3

NeuroMeditation Institute Instructor

EEG NeuroMeditation | Natural Movement | Natural Running | Retreats

Marbod Kindermann is the co-founder of the Institute for NeuroMeditation Germany, providing NeuroMeditation L1 and L2 courses as well as EEG courses and certifications for the German speaking marked together with his co-founder Normen Schack.

 He is also the co-founder of the Neofold Academy, providing holistic courses in the field of Meditation, Natural Movement, Natural Running, Mobility, Breathwork and Cold Exposure both online and in person. The Academy offers live online trainings, online retreats, courses, workshops and in person retreats and workshops throughout Europe.

 Marbod discovered a keen interest in natural lifestyle elements in 2010 with the continued quest to understand what it really means to be healthy for our body, our mind and our spirit. While Marbod holds a degree in mechanical engineering, over the past decade he has delved into passions such as nutrition, breathwork, biohacking and stress management. Meditation became a solid part of his life and was key to cope with the perpetual corporate stress. Discovering MovNat in 2016, he was fascinated by this Natural Movement fitness system and got certified as a level 2 instructor and Natural Running Coach.

Marbod quit his job as Technical Project Manager in 2021 in order to build his two companies and follow his passions with his whole heart.
