Unplugging To Reduce Negativity

Unplugging To Reduce Negativity

In the midst of the medical and political climate, we’ve got plenty of reasons to be feeling a little depressed these days. Open Heart Meditation is one of the best ways to activate positive feelings in yourself. But, it can be challenging after a day of absorbing so many negative messages. We at the NeuroMeditation Institute believe in the power of each person to make a difference, and to bring more love and kindness into the world. We hope you will find the tips below helpful as you seek to keep your heart open.

Most television programs (including the news) are written to stir powerful uncomfortable feelings. This is a tactic to keep your attention and it works! Unfortunately, the brain responds to these images and messages by initiating a stress response. Even if the images and stories are clearly false, the brain often responds as if it were true.

Sometimes moving away from negative stimuli is just as important as moving toward positive stimuli. Answer these questions and challenge yourself to reduce the negative influences in your life.

1. Think about the information you receive throughout the day in the form of television, news and social media.
2. How much of this information is negative or causes you to feel upset, distressed, frightened or angry?
3. The next time you turn on the news or log in to Facebook, become mindful of the impact of the messages you see, read and hear. How do they affect your thoughts, feelings and body?
4. Ask yourself if the information you are ingesting is helpful. Does it help you to become a better person?
5. Make a conscious decision to limit, minimize or eliminate the sources of information that are not beneficial.
6. Be specific. What limits will you set? For example:
a. “I will only check Facebook for 10 minutes of my lunch hour”
b. “If I notice myself becoming agitated while watching the news I will turn it off”
c. “I will not take my phone with me on walks or during meals”

Ready to give your practice a boost? Taking a class and sharing with others is a great way to boost your routine.
We have multiple classes and workshops coming up to help you get started, including virtual and in-person classes and workshops.
Visit our classes or workshop page.

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