NMI Research Publication: Frontiers in Virtual Reality- VR meditation study

Neuromeditation Institute Research published in Frontiers in Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality in Medicine

A Feasibility Test of a Brief Mobile Virtual Reality Meditation for Frontline Healthcare Workers in a Hospital Setting
Authors: NMI director Jeff Tarrant, research coordinator Ray Jackson and research colleague Jeremy Viczko explore meditation experience and mood states with Healium's Virtual Reality and audio only experiences

Simplified abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine whether a virtual reality plus neurofeedback (VR+NF) meditation experience (experimental condition) was more effective than a standard guided audio-only meditation (control condition) in improving mood in one hundred healthcare workers. Data collection occurred in a hospital setting between October, 2020 and March, 2021 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were alternately assigned to one of the two conditions. Before and after the meditation experience, participants completed the Brunel Mood Scale. Results indicated that both groups showed a similar and significant decrease in Anger, Tension, and Depression. On scales measuring Vigor, Fatigue, and Confusion, the VR+NF group showed decreases, while the audio-only group showed no significant change. The VR+NF group showed significant increases on the Calmness and Happiness scales, which did not change significantly in the audio-only group.